Another Stars – No Stars gif plus HOO
What do you prefer? With or without stars? And this is the HOO version of the same image with stars. HOO is produced by mapping the R (red) G (green) B (Blue) channels of an image to Ha (Hydrogen Alpha), OIII (Oxygen 3), OIII respectively.
Stars or No Stars?
I’m trying to find out the best looking picture of the Western Veil Nebula. So, with stars ore without them? What do you think?
Meteor Trajectories calculation from our GR0002 station
Our GR0002 station feeds data daily to the Global Meteor Network (GMN) servers – located in the University of Canada. In the picture below, you can see the calculated trajectories of the yesterdays meteors detected from our system. The location of GR0002 station is the orange dot.
Current month’s GMN radiant plots
We are part of the Global Meteor Network and we contribute daily with our data from our GR0002 and GR0004 ground stations – creating plots like the one below! Until a few month ago and for almost three years, we where the only ones in Greece supporting the GMN with data! Yes, we are proud…
Transient Luminous Events (TLEs) – 2
A few automatic captures that our own made system captured! More info about the phenomenon here
ARISS Contact interception with RF Eye
This is the voice of the astronaut John Shoffner while he is speaking with the children of Middlesboro Middle School in Middlesboro USA from the International Space Station (ISS)! His speech was intercepted from our RF Eye equipment while the ISS was in orbit Notrh from Greece
NightLapse testing with a used GoPro
We acquired a used GoPro Hero 6 from eBay. Its was in a really good price, had a few scratches and a broken battery connector. Nothing that we cannot fix easily in out lab! We tested in a night lapse video and the results are amazing! Especially for something cost less than 70USD